Pelagic Monsters

All-inclusive Expedition
Our legendary ‘Pelagic Monsters’ trip targets the top apex predators of the Gulf of Mexico. After you come aboard our 42’ Yellowfin offshore boat, you‘ll discuss one mission: Catch a Monster! You don’t have to go out 150 miles to find a good fight, and our captains will put you on the line with an adventure you’ll talk about for years to come.
Midnight Rider
42' Yellowfin
300+ miles
6 guests + crew

Goliath Grouper

These gigantic grouper reach sizes over 8 feet and can weigh as much as 600lbs. These are somewhat easy to catch here because they are very inquisitive and generally fearless.

Eats other fish, octopuses, sea turtles, sharks, and barracudas. They are known to attack divers and lemon sharks.


Barracuda are curious, lighting fast fish that have a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. They can reach over 100 lbs and also somewhat easy to catch here.

Eats fish such as jacks, groupers, snappers, and tunas.

Great Hammerhead

Great hammerheads can grow to be 13 feet long. These monsters put up a huge fight and are protected in these waters. They do not actively seek out human prey, but are very defensive and will attack when provoked.

They are aggressive hunters, feeding on smaller fish, octopuses, squid, crustaceans, stingrays, grouper, and other sharks.

Bull Shark

This hardy species can grow to up to 11 feet long and is one of the few shark species that can also inhabit fresh water. It’s considered one of the more dangerous shark species, accounting for the third highest number of attacks on humans.

Eats everything. Stomach contents have include bony fish, sharks, dolphins, sea birds and even sea turtles.

Tiger Shark

The tiger shark is reported to be responsible for a large share of fatal shark-bite incidents, and is regarded as one of the most dangerous shark species. They often visit shallow reefs, harbors, and canals, creating the potential for encounter with humans.

Tiger sharks are known for eating almost anything, including other sharks, fish, seabirds, dolphins, sea turtles, rays, crustaceans, and scuba divers.

Sand Tiger

Sand tiger sharks, also known as gray nurse sharks, have a deceivingly ferocious look. They are large-bodied and display a mouthful of sharp teeth that protrude in all directions, even when the mouth is shut. They are known to be non-aggressive unless provoked.

Diet consists mainly of large and small bony fish, small sharks, rays, squid and crustaceans. It is a voracious eater and its teeth are adapted for eating small prey.

Blue Shark

Blue sharks have been known to go for humans and for boats out in sea and are therefore classified as a “dangerous” species. There are also reports of attacks following air or sea disasters with accounts suggesting shipwrecked sailors have been maimed by them.

Blue sharks feed primarily on squid and pelagic schooling fishes such as herring, as well as on carcasses of whales and turtles. They also eat small pelagic invertebrates like shrimp.

Reef Shark

The grey reef shark is considered one of the more aggressive sharks but will typically only show aggression towards a person when it feels threatened.

this shark’s diet consists of small fish, squid, octopus, crabs, and more. Scientists have also recorded them preying on sea snakes, seabirds like gulls, and more. They hunt actively by pursuing their prey.

Dusky Shark

Dusky sharks are potentially dangerous due to their large size and occurrence in shallow coastal waters, though they have been implicated in few interactions with humans.

The diet of this shark includes small schooling fish such as sardines and anchovies, as well as larger fish like tuna, mackerel, flatfish and eels. The dusky shark also eats dogfish, catsharks, skates and rays.

Thresher Shark

The thresher shark is considered harmless. The species is shy and difficult to approach. Divers that have encountered these sharks claim that they did not act aggressively.

Thresher sharks feed on small pelagic fish—including anchovies, sardines, hake, mackerel, and squid. They are named for their long, scythe-like tail, which they use to swat and stun fish before preying on them. Top-level predators, such as killer whales and larger sharks, prey on common threshers.

Mako Shark

Mako is regularly blamed for attacks on humans and, due to its speed, power, and size, it is certainly capable of injuring and killing people. However, this species will not generally attack humans and does not seem to treat them as prey.

Mako is widely recognized as a delicacy the world over, as well as being known as the tastiest species in the shark family. This is mostly due to the fact that they feed on swordfish and other pelagic species, also known as delicacies.
Trip length determines location opporunities to catch species- this is what we are after on these trips. no guarantees.
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"I was scared shitless the entire time."

Dawn J.

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The coolest
Captain Marty
First mate Kevin

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